Article ID : 00012594 / Last Modified : 11/01/2024Print

How to enter capital letters or special characters when using the on-screen keypad

    IMPORTANT: The method to enter capital letters or special characters to use in e-mails, usernames, or passwords, differs depending on the model or service. It can also differ depending on the provider of the service or app.

    There are different ways to enter capital letters or special characters when desired letters are not shown on the on-screen keyboard.

    Entering capital letters using the up arrow key

    You can change to the uppercase input mode by pressing the up arrow key on the on-screen keypad. Press the same key again to return to lowercase input mode.

    Below is an example of the up arrow key on some Android TV™ models.

    Entering capital letters using the ABC key

    You can change to the uppercase input mode by pressing the ABC key on the on-screen keypad. Press the upper ABC key or lower abc key again to return to lowercase input mode.

    Note: If your remote control has Color buttons (YELLOW/BLUE/RED/GREEN), the ABC key function may be assigned to one of those buttons.

    For example, in the image below, the ABC key is assigned to the green button.

    Entering special characters using the !@# or @?# key

    You can change to special character input mode by pressing the !@# or @?# key on the on-screen keypad.

    Note: The !@# or @?# keys are examples of special characters. The keys that represent the special characters may be different.