Article ID : 00028168 / Last Modified : 07/23/2019Print

The function or hot keys are not working after upgrading the operating system.

    If the function or hot keys do not work after upgrading to the Windows Vista® or Windows® 7 operating system, follow the procedure below to resolve the issue.

    Download and install the following application updates, for the appropriate situation, in the exact order they are given.

    IMPORTANT: All of the listed application updates are available online. Downloads are posted on your model support page.

    • When you have upgraded from the Windows Vista operating system to the Windows 7 operating system:
      1. Audio Driver (most recent)
      2. Video Driver (most recent)
      3. Sony® Firmware Extension Parser Device Driver
      4. Sony® Shared Library Update
      5. Sony® Setting Utilities Update
      6. VAIO® Event Services Update (If available)
      7. VAIO® Launcher Software (S1/S2/AV Buttons)

    • When you have upgraded from the Windows XP operating system to the Windows Vista operating system:
      1. Audio Driver (most recent)
      2. Video Driver (most recent)
      3. Sony® Programmable I/O Control Device Driver Utility or Sony® Notebook Control Driver
      4. Sony® Shared Library Update
      5. Sony® Utilities DLL Update
      6. Sony® Event Service (If available)
      7. Sony® AV Mode Button Utility (If available)