Article ID : 00234023 / Last Modified : 10/07/2024Print

How to optimize apps (360 Reality Audio)

    The Optimize apps function applies the information taken from the ear shape analysis to the 360 Reality Audio-compatible app provided by your music service provider.

    Note: Make sure you complete the Analyze ear shape function before performing Optimize apps.

    Steps to Optimize apps

    1. On your mobile device, open the Sony | Headphones Connect app and connect to your Bluetooth® headphones.
    2. In the 360 Reality Audio Setup section, next to Optimize apps, tap OPTIMIZE.
    3. When the message 360 Reality Audio is only available from these music server apps appears, select your preferred streaming app.
    4. Read the on-screen message and select either LAUNCH TO OPTIMIZE or INSTALL AND OPTIMIZE.
      • The process is complete when the message OPTIMIZE COMPLETE appears.