Article ID : 00121716 / Last Modified : 08/15/2015Print

How to burn or copy content to a DVD or Blu-ray Disc media.

     The Windows® 10 operating system has a built-in option to burn or copy your data to a recordable media. This can be utilized by using the File Explorer.

    1. Place a blank disc (DVD or Blu-ray Disc® media) into the optical drive.

      NOTE: The optical drive icon will not appear in the File Explorer window if there is no disc present in the drive.

    2. Click the File Explorer icon and navigate to the location of the files that you would like to burn or copy.
    3. In the File Explorer window, drag and drop the files that you would like to burn or copy onto the optical drive icon.
    4. Follow the on-screen prompts to finish burning the disc.