Article ID : 00298322 / Last Modified : 09/20/2023Print

If you don't know which account you are signed in with

    If you are unsure which account you have been using to sign in, follow the steps below to find out.
    1. Select Sign in with Sony account and try signing in with your Sony account.
      "You are signed in" is displayed.
      You are using the service with your Sony account.
      The account creation screen appears.
      You are not using a Sony account. Go to step 2.
    2. Try signing in with your Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google accounts.
      "You are signed in" is displayed.
      You are using the service with the displayed account. The screen for migrating to a Sony account appears. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the migration procedure.
      The account creation screen appears.
      You are not using the service with that account. If the account creation screen appears no matter which account you try, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, or Google, tap Cancel to return to the previous screen and create a Sony account.
